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Vishnu and Lakshmi wikipedia.org |
Dear Diary,
That's it. I'm officially losing my mind. I can't just "rest
and recover" any longer. Honestly, I love Rati but she has been so
overprotective in the few days that since my reascension. Just because I got a
little overzealous and almost drove a couple insane by accidentally infusing
them with too much passion...twice.
How was I supposed to remember that I had already told Rati to
bring them together yesterday??
Okay so maybe I am still readjusting to actually having the full
strength of my powers back. But that doesn't mean that sitting here doing
nothing is helping me at all. Rati suggested that I write about the greatest
love story I knew of (besides our own of course) to relax myself.
So here goes...
Despite all of Vishnu's mortal screw-ups, his godly form is a
perfect match for his wife Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and prosperity. You see
Lakshmi is the daughter of the sea asuras (gods) and was created out of the
churning of the sea along with a lot of other powerful beings. From the second
she was born the other gods (myself included) knew that she was special and
immensely powerful.
I could feel that all of the gods, especially Brahma, Shiva,
and Vishnu, liked Lakshmi. However, at first she did not seem to be drawn to
any of them. A goddess this powerful could certainly increase the happiness and
prosperity of whichever god she ended up with. However, since she controlled
wealth and prosperity I also understood that if she did not marry another god
that she truly loved then those same powers could darken and she could cause
misery and loss.
I decided to declare right off the bat that for the universe
to remain in balance Lakshmi must choose her own husband. While the big three
(Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva) weren’t super pleased that I just declared something without their
consent, they also knew that I was right. Also I’m not super pleased that they
WITHOUT THEIR EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Like I’m sorry I’m doing my job I guess???
Anyway, annoying leaders aside my plan was a great one.
Lakshmi watched the gods, especially when she thought they weren’t looking to
judge their character. As she did, I watched her. You see, sometimes people,
and gods, deny their brains what their heart has decided. I could tell that
Lakshmi respected Vishnu more than any of the other gods and loved that he
protected people. Rati weighed in and confirmed that Lakshmi was deeply
attracted to Vishnu as well. So, like with so many couple before them I bound
Lakshmi and Vishnu’s souls together as one. I ensured that no matter what form
their godly selves took their spirits would recognize their other half. And, at
least while in their eternal forms, their love has never diminished or wavered.
Lakshmi has brought Vishnu happiness, joy, and prosperity. In turn Vishnu preserved
the marriage and protected Lakshmi with every fiber of his being.
So I did well.
And, now it’s time for me to continue to do more good. I
will rest for a few more days, or until Rati thinks I am ready, and then
continue to bring the right souls together and continue helping to maintain the
balance of the universe.
Wikipedia, Lakshmi
Devdutt Pattanaik, Seven Secrets of the Goddess
Hey, Elizabeth! This is the first one of your stories I've read so I don't know if you have done the diary format before or not but it works really well! I really like the diary format for storytelling because it allows you to really be inside a character's head. I am in the Myth & Folklore class and if the semester wasn't ending I would use the diary entry format for one of my own stories. Well done!